Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Spring 2009

Following Easter, we have been very busy. Sunday April 19th was the first of our afternoon services. This was a "Cafe Church" on the theme of "Light". Appropriately titled "The Light Bite", a variety of activities were used to focus our attention on the imagery of light in the Scriptures.
Refreshments were available throughout and Susannah, our pastor, brought the afternoon to a conclusion.
Our midweek bible fellowship reverted to twice monthly now lent is over and we resumed our study ofWomen in the Bible.
On Thursday the 23rd of April, the first in our summer season of Supper Clubs took place. The menu was: Mock Crab and melba toast, Chicken Fricassee with seasonable vegetables, followed by Rhubarb sponge and custard. Tea, coffee and after dinner mints followed and then Sam Bown spoke to us.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Easter 2009

Our celebrations of Easter started at 8-00a.m. on Friday April 10th with our circuit service at St.Mary's Wesleyan Reform Church where Carole Parkinson led worship and holy communion for Good Friday.
Laterin the day, our pastor, Jonathan, led worship at 7-30p.m. at Mayfield. His text was the curtain in the temple being torn in two from top to bottom. The service concluded with a celebration of holy communion.

Saturday was oneof our coffee mornings, which was well attended. Jackie had done a lovely job of preparing the room for this event, and providing a table of activities for any children who came.

Easter Sunday started early when our pastor, Susannah, led 8-00 a.m. worship. Her theme was the walk to Emmaus and being recognised by our actions. The service concluded with a celebration of holy communion. Following the service, we ate breakfast in the back room. David and Elaine did a great job of preparing bacon and eggs for us all.
After the breakfast (and the clearing up!) Brian Kay led our morning worship at 10-30 a.m. and spoke on Matthew's account of the resurrection

Approach to Easter 2009

On Saturday April 4th we were visited by the Curbar and District United Churches Choir. They came to provide us with a presentation in words and music entitled "The Story of the Cross". The programme included readings, congregational items, solos and choral items. It was a memorable evening, and thanks are due to all members of the choir for their efforts. The retiring collection raised the sum of £80-00 for W.O.R.K. Ltd on Ringinglow Road.