Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Drains; an update.

Regular readers will remember that holes were being dug to ascertain where the drains were leading to. This was in an attempt to intercept the run-off from the field above us to reduce flooding.

David has been working away over the last year digging a trench and installing a pipe which links into the culvert which was discovered from the above excavations. The culmination of all this activity was in the last week of September when a digger was hired to excavate a trench along the top of our field. This was completed and we are now ready for the worst of the weather.

The first water enters the new underground culvert.

The excavated spoil has been used to build a walkway across the boggy bottom of the field with a view to creating a nature observation feature later.

September 2009

September was a bit hectic! We started with a church meeting, which was very productive, and the week after we hosted the circuit meeting of the Sheffield circuit. The Ladies' meeting restarted with our pastor Susannah leading. On September 19th we held a coffee morning in aid of Macmillan and raised over £70-00, but the total is not yet finalised. Jonathan had been making jam and chutney from the bumper plum harvest and this was on sale. It all went!.
The final supper club of the season was held on the 24th, with an ambitious menu: carrot and orange soup, Beef "Leaky Wellington" and vegetables, plum crumble and cream. Mrs Muriel Stonehewer from our Coal Aston church spoke to us about Fair Trade Goods.
On Saturday 26th, we had our church outing to Temple Newsam where a good day was had by all.

August 2009

Our church family camp weekend was a great success with several families meeting and enjoying the overnight stop (despite the midges!) A good mixture of ages and abilities meant that there was never a dull moment. We intend doing this again next year when it will probably be a two night event.

This was the same weekend as the Family Songs of Praise service which was held on the Sunday afternoon outside.

The supper club later in the month was well attended and Mr & Mrs Briddon gave us an interesting presentation on the holy land.