Sunday, 4 August 2013

Flower Festival 2013

Our annual flower festival took place on 6th and 7th July.  The church wasopen from 10-30a.m. to 4-30p.m. on Saturday and 12-00noon to 6-00p.m. on Sunday.  Refreshments were available whenever the church was open, and a good number of visitors came.  The theme of the displays was "Men of the Bible."  Grateful thanks are due to all who did anything to make the event such a success.




John the Baptist




More pictures will be available on our website, as soon as they can be published.  Please follow the link to the side and look for the "Flower Festival 2013" page.

June and July 2013

Through out the months, the regular activities took place.  The bible fellowship met twice a month to continue our study of the book of Daniel.  The Ladies' Fellowship met in June to hear a speaker update them on Martin House, a hospice which they have supported for some years, and in July, Steve Drinkell spoke on the theme "Forever wild".
Worship continued every Sunday, and we are grateful to those who come to lead our thoughts week by week.

The plants in the bog garden have become established and are now showing off their glory as the seasons progress.  In the way of these things, some were not suited to the surroundings, and so we have less than we planted, but the ones which have survived are quite impressive.
The big event of these time was the flower festival, please see separate post, and website for details.