Friday, 31 March 2023

week beginning 26th March

 Song: All glory, laud and honour,

"All Glory Laud And Honor" A 100 Voice assorted Choir & Orchestra - Classic Hymns Album - YouTube


Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your son Jesus Christ, delivered and saved mankind; grant that by faith in Him who suffered on the cross, we may triumph in them power of His victory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from your ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against your holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done.

But you, O Lord, have mercy upon us. Spare those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore those who are penitent, according to Your promises declared to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of your Holy name. Amen.

Reading: Psalm 130

Song: The Spirit lives to set us free,

The Spirit Lives to Set Us Free (Walk in the Light) Singing the Faith 397 / StF 397 by Damian Lundy - YouTube

Reading: Ezekiel, chapter 37; verses 1 to 14

Reading: John’s gospel, chapter 11, verses 38 to 45

The last two weeks of Lent are called Passiontide. The fifth Sunday in Lent is called Passion Sunday. This is the story of Jesus’ two week journey to Jerusalem, and to destiny.

There are seven miracles, or signs, recorded in John’s gospel. They are there to show the reader who Jesus is. The first is the wedding at Cana, and the seventh is the resurrection of Lazarus.

This latter story in chapter 11, is right in them middle of the gospel, right at the heart of the story, written by an eyewitness, someone who was actually there.

Jesus has just arrived on the East side of the Jordan. We can assume that this was so that he could have a brief period of reflection, perhaps preparation time for what was coming. Then he gets a message, Lazarus is ill. Bethany is some way away, and is just two miles outside Jerusalem. Jesus says that they should go to Bethany. In spite of reservations from his disciples, he says they should go.

Then the message comes that Lazarus is dead. But Thomas urges them to continue.

When they arrived, it was to the news that Lazarus had been in them tomb for 4 days. Many mourners had arrived, apparently the family was well known.

Martha accosts Jesus and says that if he had been there, her brother would not have died. She goes on to say that if Jesus had been there, Lazarus would not have died, but that even now she knew that Jesus had enormous power at his disposal.

When Jesus says that Lazarus will live again, she assumes that he is referring to the resurrection at the last day. Jesus then reassures her that He is the resurrection and the life. She agrees that she believes this.

Then Mary says the same thing. But is much more demonstrative, she falls at his feet, weeping. Once again, we see that Mary and Martha have different personalities.

In his turn, Jesus shows emotion. He is showing his humanity. But then he comes to the tomb and orders that the stone is taken away.

The ever practical Martha objects on the grounds that the smell will be too much, but the stone is removed and Jesus prays so that people will see and believe.

He tells Lazarus to come out, and then tells the people to remove the grave clothes and let him go.

This really puts the cat amongst the pigeons! This apparently humanitarian frightens the authorities.

It is a sign pointing to what will happen to Jesus, to the great power of God to do extraordinary things. The power to change Good Friday into Easter.

This prepares us for what is coming, it tells us that God is in control, and that he has a plan.

Jesus is the resurrection and the life; This is our hope.

Song: To God be the glory,

"To God Be The Glory" 150 Voice Mass Choir for Classic Hymns Ancient of Days Classic Hymns - YouTube

Friday, 24 March 2023

Week beginning 19th March

 Reading: Psalm 135, verses 1 to 3

Song: Praise my soul the King of Heaven

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Tune: Lauda Anima - 4vv) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube


God with a mother’s heart,

you gather us as your children.

You comfort and hold us in your warm embrace.

When we hurt your arms enfold us.

When we are afraid your wings protect us.

When we are hungry you feed us with the bread of life.

God with a mother’s heart,

your love surrounds and supports us,

in good times and tough,

in the midst of joy and pain,

always and everywhere.

You will never leave nor abandon us.

God eternal and loving one,

God with a mother’s heart,

we thank you this day

for being part of your family.


Christine Sine

Song: Now thank we all our God

Now Thank We All Our God (Grace Community Church) - YouTube

Reading: Luke’s gospel, chapter 7, verses 36 to 50

Song: My peace I give unto you

My Peace I give unto You - Lyrics - YouTube

In the modern western world, it is difficult to understand just how revolutionary certain aspects of Jesus’ ministry were. He talked to women. Nowadays, we in the west talk to women all the time, but in Jesus’s time it would be more or less unheard of.

However, there are places in the world where women still cannot make their voices heard.

God never intended this to be the situation. According to the book of Genesis, God created men and women to be equal in His sight. They have complementary skills.

For many years, in churches we have observed the Women’s World Day of Prayer, and the World Women’s day was started by the suffragettes in 1911. These are two examples of ways of working towards the goal of gender parity.

However, there is work to be done; we are familiar with then idea of the “glass ceiling” which places limits on promotion for women; there is a measurable pay disparity between men and women in similar jobs.

Action Aid has done research which shows that 1 woman in 3 has been beaten or sexually abused.

In our reading today, we hear that a woman walks into a gathering of men. We know little of her, other than that she is described as having led “a sinful life”. This description says something about the community of men present, and could be taken as an indictment of their thinking. The men were angry, but Jesus challenged them, and especially he challenged Simon, the host.

Jesus tells the story about the people being forgiven debts, and asks who would be most grateful. Jesus then says that he can forgive.

Do we ever fell that we are not good enough for the circumstances we find ourselves in? Are there family circumstances where we might say “He/she is better than me” or even “He/she is more favoured than me.”? This is what the Enemy wants us to believe. When we turn to Jesus, we know it is a lie. His Holy Spirit enables us to become amazing people. The amazing people that God created us to be, in His service. Just as Jesus pointed out to Simon, we all need forgiveness. Gender does not come into it. As Paul says in the letter to the Galatians, “In Him is neither male nor female, all are one in Christ Jesus.”

There are records of women anointing Jesus in other places in the gospel record. Both Matthew and John record these incidents, but it is not clear whether they are the same incident, or similar occurrences, However, the responses from Jesus are similar every time.

The important thing is that the woman had the means to anoint Jesus, and she was willing to do so. She has been recorded and talked about for 2000 years for her actions. What can we bring to Jesus in His service.

She made her mark; How are we going to make our mark?

Song: Take my life, and let it be

Take my life and let it be - YouTube

Tuesday, 14 March 2023

Week beginning March 12th

The weather was not severe enough to stop the  midweek prayer session on Thursday, (9th March;

but we were prevented from reaching the chapel safely on Sunday (12th March)  Hopefully normal service will be resumed on the 19th.

Welcome to this time of worship it is good we can share come and share this time together

We join with our brothers and sisters around the world as we sing

Song: Ye servants of God

Reading: Genesis 12: 1- 4

Prayer .

Lord God, you created this earth and all the good in it ,we thank you that you are for ever watching over us and guiding our footsteps. Life is not always easy, it is hard to talk about you. But you are in our hearts, we show you in action through our lives. Be with us always and those we love and care for, we ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

Song: I to the hills will lift mine eyes

Reading: Psalm 121

Song: They who tread the path of labour

Reading: John 6: 1 – 38

Song: Guide me O Thou great Jehovah

God said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”  So Abram went, as the Lord had told him; and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Harran.

Have you ever planned to go on a journey in you own country or to another country.

Sometimes journeys are forced upon us. What would or who would you take with you.

That may depend on your circumstances.

Personally, a case of clothes, passport and visas if needed. Money of some sort . Route planner, guide book, may be a satnav, mobile phone, first aid kit, chargers and universal plug socket.

Something to read, pen and paper. Personal computer of sorts.

But if God told you to leave everything and go to where he will lead would you be as faithful as Abram. Go Labour on for God; Go work for him.

Jesus left his glory and came as human being to do the will of him who sent him.

He did miracles; walked on water, fed thousands with a few fish and loaves, healed the sick and lame, drove out demons. He blessed children in His ministry, he was teaching his disciples and any one who would listen.

In Sheffield throughout Lent many streets will be walked and covered in prayer by Christians of all denominations. Jesus walked many streets. Are you able to walk your own street and pray either aloud or in your heart, If you are unable for any reason pray where you are. Pray while reading this.

As you are praying Know in your heart there are thousands of voices praying and Singing, worshipping God our great redeemer, For Christ’s journey led to crucifixion His life and death is not the end.

So go out in His love to work and serve him in all you do. Amen

Song: O for a thousand tongues to sing

Numbers 6:24-26.

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.


Monday, 6 March 2023

Week beginning 26th February

 Song: All hail the lamb

All hail the Lamb - YouTube


As I open my eyes this morning, God, I want You to be the first thing I see. Be the first thought in my mind. Be the first word I speak.

You say that Your mercies are new every morning. This morning, would You help me receive those mercies again? I still need them just as much as ever.

As I reach for the alarm clock to silence its malicious ringing, I surrender to You my frustration at being forced awake. I ask You to fill me instead with hope and excitement for what You want to accomplish in the world through me today.

I know You’re in control, God. But sometimes it takes a while for my heart to believe the things my brain knows about You. And right now, I’m having trouble believing You’re still in charge as my heart pounds with fear.

In this moment, in the middle of my fear, I ask You to make me strong and courageous. Even if my heart is still pounding. Even if I don’t feel brave at all.

Give me the courage to do what You’ve called me to do, even when every muscle in my body wants to sprint in the opposite direction. Help me to act courageous before I feel courageous.

Fill me with confidence that You have good things planned for me. Fill me with trust. Fill me so full that there’s no room left for fear.

Open my ears, God, to hear Your voice speaking to me from Scripture today. I don’t want to just settle for easy answers. I don’t want to just read the bible in a way that makes me feel good. I want to give You continual, constant permission to interrupt and rearrange my life.

Give me passion as I read to take seriously the truth of what I am reading. Help me resist the temptation to put Your words into my head without letting them change my heart and my actions. I confess that knowledge about You isn’t enough. I need life transformation. Please show me how the Scripture I’m reading is meant to transform the way I inhabit my world. Amen.

Taken from

Song: All I once held dear

All I Once Held Dear (Knowing You, Jesus) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube

Reading: 2nd letter to the Corinthians, chapter 4, verses 1 to 7

Song: Great is Thy faithfulness

Great is thy faithfulness - YouTube

Sometimes Paul’s writing can seem like a box of tangled electrical leads; difficult to unravel, and even impenetrable! At times, it can help to go further back in the writing to find out where he has come from.

We believe that all scripture is given to inspire and encourage the believer. The early church included these writings in the canon of scripture to tell people who Jesus was. At the time of writing, the gospels did not exist. They came later, perhaps they were felt to be needed because people’s memories were fading.

Even Peter recorded that Paul’s letters can be hard to understand, but they are undoubtedly full of wisdom.

Paul compares the old covenant with what happens with Jesus. Moses’ glory eventually faded, but Jesus’ glory does not fade. We are transformed a bit at a time to become more like Jesus.

In so doing we are being equipped for a ministry. Whilst it is not always clear what our ministry is, we are to God’s will where we are placed. Others may not know what we have done, it may not be glamorous, we may not know ourselves what we have done, but God knows.

We are charged to encourage each other, tom pray for each other. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

Don’t lose heart; we have been through a difficult period in the last few years. There has been a pandemic, changes and instability in government, and a new king. We have been advised that there will be even more troubles as Jesus’ return draws near. We do not know when this will happen, but it must be getting closer.

We must set forth the truths of the faith plainly. We cannot persuade by distorting the truth, or deceiving people.

If truths are set forth plainly we can overcome invisible barriers to people. Things such as class, culture and tradition can make it difficult for people to join in church.

Such things act to put a veil over the gospel says Paul. People sometimes say that they cannot see God. They struggle to see through the veil to get to the light.

We don’t pretend to be perfect, we don’t pretend to be saviours. We proclaim Jesus who is both of these things.

We may feel we are struggling, we may find it difficult, but we don’t lose heart because we have the light of Jesus. Shine that light.

Song: In Christ alone

In Christ Alone my hope is found song Lyrics - YouTube