Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Easter 2010

Good Friday communion service was led by our Pastor Susannah and the chapel had been decorated with reminders of themes related to the Easter Story.

Two of the window cills had bread and wine, 30 pieces of silver , a cockerel and a cross draped in a red cloth. At the front of the chapel was a large cross draped in a purple cloth with a crown of thorns on the top.
The service was followed by drinks and hot cross buns.
Saturday was a coffee morning when we met a number of people and enjoyed their company and conversation.
Easter Day was an early start with morning communion at 8-00a.m. led by our Pastor Jonathan followed by breakfast cooked by Dave and Elaine. The purple cloth on the cross had been replaced by a white one.
Unfortunately the preacher scheduled for the 10-30a.m. service was ill so our morning service was led by Brian Kay, and then at 6-30p.m. our evening service was led by Susannah.

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