You may like to use a torch, not turned on, or a candle that is safe to light later. Set these things out on a table near you
While listening to the first song, read Genesis 1: 1 – 2
Spirit of the living God
Genesis chapter 1: 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
God our father grant us the help of your Holy Spirit in our prayers for the salvation of all people. We pray for all who are in sorrow, need, and sickness; for those who are feeling very lonely and isolated at this time.
We pray for those living in fear and suffering cruelty, that they may feel your presence and know you are close; give them strength, turn their despair into hope..
We pray for all those in the care sector, the NHS and emergency services, for voluntary workers. We pray for ministers and the chaplains, be with for all our front line services. Lord God be with all who have been afected by Covid.
Lord God we Pray for our World, the goverments and leaders, that they may work together for the good of all seeking justice and peace.
We give you are thanks and praise that we can come together through the power of your Holy Spirit to celebrate the Churches birthday. Unite us all we say the Lord’s Prayer together
- Our Father who art in heaven,
- hallowed be thy name.
- Thy kingdom come.
- Thy will be done
- on earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread,
- and forgive us our trespasses,
- as we forgive those who trespass against us,
- lead us not into temptation,
- but deliver us from evil.
- For thine is the kingdom,
- the power, and the glory,
- for ever and ever.
- Amen.
Spirit divine attend our prayers
Acts 2: 1 – 28. (Verses 25 – 28 are from psalm 16: 8 -11)
Spirit of God unseen as the wind
Light the torch or candle.
This morning we think of our friends of Mayfield and our friends joining us in this service.
Let us pray.
Thank You Father that You have promised to hear the prayers and petitions of Your servants and to nourish us with the body and blood of Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Help me to prepare my heart as I partake in this sacrament, which is the two beautiful symbols of Christ’s body – broken for me and His precious blood – shed for me.
I am not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Your table but I trust in your mercy and not in any goodness of my own. May the power of your spirit fill me with your love and peace as I remember now those in their own homes sharing this moment with me.
Help me to prepare my heart as I partake in this sacrament, which is the two beautiful symbols of Christ’s body – broken for me and His precious blood – shed for me.
I am not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under Your table but I trust in your mercy and not in any goodness of my own. May the power of your spirit fill me with your love and peace as I remember now those in their own homes sharing this moment with me.
We take this food and we remember Jesus. As he gave it to his disciples heblessed it
and and then asked them to do this and to remember him. So we take this now and eat it remembering his precious love.
After the meal he picked up the cup and said to his friends that his blood was shed for the forgivesness of sins. “Drink from this all of you.”
So we drink. We give ourselves to you this day. We thank you for uniting us with Christ for giving us a forteaste of the heavenly the banquet prepared for all people. So give to God all thanks praise and glory. Amen
Blow out the candle / turn torch off
There’s a wind a blowin’
Acts 2: 29 – 41
The Birth of the Church
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Early Glastonbury Abbey |
We all like birthdays, ok most of us. My last birthday I was 60, some of you came to my party tea at the chapel last June ( how time flies ). I had some wonderful birthdays in my childhood.
My second birthday was at my auntie Audrey’s. I thought it was in field, but was told it was her back garden, and the garage was turned into a cinema where my friends and I watched two Woody Woodpecker cartoons. We ate cakes made like little sailing boats with rice paper sails, and had candles to blow out.
In 1973 I was 14 and my birthday fell on a Sunday. I really did not want to spend the morning at Church, but I was pleased that I had, because the preacher that Sunday talked about a great preacher that had lived 270 years ago; that he had been chosen by God to go out and tell every one about how much Christ’s love is for all; how much his saving grace is for us all. This man was led by the power of the holy spirit and it would have been this man’s birthday. He was born on this day 17th June, a Sunday in 1703. His Name was John Wesley. The preacher asked if it was anyone’s birthday to day. I put my hand up. Every one sang happy birthday to me. He told me that I too had been chosen by God to go on a life adventure with him. Then he told us about Gulliver’s travels. Evidently on June 16th 1703 they were looking for water as there had been a great storm. On June 17th land was found, a land of giants well this story whet my appetite and then the preacher gave me a present, a large box. When I opened it, it seemed empty, but he got me to open it in front of every one, and explained that the holy spirit could not been seen. It was like this box, it looked empty you can’t see air he said. Then at the bottom, there was a balloon. He asked me to blow it up then he took it from me pushed something into the end and told me told me to let it go. It went mad, squealing and flying right round the church. He explained that is how the spirit moves spreading throughout the world warming people’s hearts. He then gave me another gift to open, this was a card. I read the verse
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you :
but when the leaves hang trembling,
the wind is passing through.
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I ;
but when the leaves bow down their heads,
the wind is passing by.
by Christina Rossetti
He told me to look again in the envelope where there was another smaller one inside. I opened it and there was a WH Smith book token. Any other time, I would have given it to my Dad to swop for cash, but not this time I wanted a copy of the childens story book of Gulliver’s Travels. This book I found amazing
The harvest is ready go out and reap. I recalled Paul’s journeys and storms and how the Holy Spirit led him. So when you celebrate your birthday remember the best birthday of all, the Church’s 1,990th Birthday
I have been inspired by the verse in that card.
The wind is God’s breath filling the world anew, bringing hope joy peace,
His wind is passing through.
I hear the sound of rustling
May the power of the Holy Spirit bring you peace
May the Grace of Christ fill you with hope
and may the love of God be with you this day and always Amen
God Bless Susannah.
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