Saturday, 24 December 2022

Carol Service


Carol Service 2022

If you have candle be ready to light it safely later on.

Song: The Angel Gabriel from heaven came

Reading: Luke’s gospel, chapter 1: verses 26 to 38

Prayers. Lord God we remember Mary and Joseph, giving thanks for their faithfulness, courage and obedience, stepping out into the unknown in the strength of your Spirit, playing their part in the fulfilment of your plan to bring your prodigal people home again.
We pray that their example might be the pattern of our lives, that when your gentle whisper
breaks through the clamour of this world and into our small corner, we might be ready to listen,
and having listened, to act.

God of hope, who brought peace into this world, be the peace that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought love into this world, be the love that dwells between us.

God of hope, who brought joy into this world, be the joy that dwells between us.
God of hope, the rock we stand upon, be the centre, the focus of our lives always, and particularly at this time of Advent. Amen

Reading: Luke’s gospel, chapter 1: verses 39 to 56. Mary’s Magnificat. Which means utterance of praise

In our Church to day is the fourth Sunday in advent we light a candle for Mary.

Quite a few years ago I Was challenged to write my own Magnificat  an utterance of praise.

At the time I found it challenging but once I started to think of the things I had, the way people helped, I realised miracles still happen today. Twenty five years ago I had no money left and I did not know what I was going to do, so as we walked to church, I start to say a silent pray as we turned a corner there came towards my feet was a twenty pound note. This not only fed us that day but I was able to feed the family for the week. So I silently lifted an the utterance of praise to our Lord. After that it became easier for me to write the following:

My soul whispers with in me that the Lord is good
my spirit acknowledges that God is my father.
For he has seen my anxiety and vulnerability’

and he knew what was in my heart and answered my prayer.
For mighty God has done great things for me,

he fed our family with good food,
his mercy is for those who love his name,
for he has shown his strength and majesty.
My souls thanks those who have helped and prayed for me and my family.
God opens His heart to the weak and feeble
The rich
He sends away with nothing,

Truly the poor and hungry are welcomed in.
blessed are those who prepare the way of the Lord.

You may feel you would like to write your own utterance of praise. (Magnificat.)

Song: O come all ye faithful

Stephen Baker writes his thoughts about our next hymn

One of the things that I really love about this time of year is the music. I mean all of it, I love all the songs but particularly the Christmas Carols. We sing the same songs, year after year, and the words get stuck in our heads; we can often recite the words without even thinking about it. 

Many people attend Carol Services and Concerts and while a wide range of songs are sung the majority are still Carols. The words of the Carols can teach us a lot about the message of Christmas.  Even familiar Carols I carefully read the words on the program, trying to make sure I was singing it all correctly. The further we got into the song, the more I began to get distracted from my singing (which I am sure was a relief to those sitting around me!) as the message of the song began to resonate within me.  I listened as everyone sang in perfectly harmony. As I looked around the concert hall, I wondered if those who were carolling had ever given pause to what they were singing ’. Many of the carols we sing are based firmly on the Bible, and “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!” is no exception. It was written by Charles Wesley, who was a hymn writer he wrote over 6,000 hymn. It is said that his goal in writing hymns was to teach the poor and illiterate sound doctrine. His brother, John Wesley, a famous vicar and founder of Methodism, said that Charles’ hymnal was the best theological book in existence. 

Charles Wesley was inspired by the sounds of London church bells while walking to church on Christmas Day and so he wrote the “Hark”. The poem first appeared in Hymns and Sacred Poems in 1739 with the opening line of “Hark, how the welkin (heaven) rings.”

Song: Hark the herald Angels sing

I will light a candle for Christmas. A Candle of joy despite all the sadness,
A candle of hope where despair keeps watch. A candle of courage for fears ever present,
A candle of peace for tempest-tossed days. A Candle of grace to ease heavy burdens.
A candle of love to inspire all my living, let Candles of love in hearts burn all year long.
Howard Thurman. alt Susannah Youdan

If you have a small candle please light it now.

Poem One Lit Candle By, Author & Poet, Sandra Juanita Nailing

Are you that lit candle, to show someone the way?  Are you shining in the night, as well as in the day?
Are you that lit candle, keeping someone from stumbling?  If someone happen to trip, this will be very humbling.
Are you that lit candle, that's shinning bright?  Are you delivering people out of darkness, down the path that is right?
Are you that lit candle, with a clear reflection?  It's up to you to continue to shine, regardless of any rejection.
Are you that lit candle, that sit high on a hill?  Are you placed in the right spot, so your light can be revealed?
Are you that lit candle with a perfect glow?  Make sure it is shinning, so people know where to go.
Are you that lit candle, brightening everyone's smile.  It will help them to receive strength, to go the extra mile.
Are you that lit candle, only to hide?  Obscuring the light to enter, all types of  people eyes?
In this world today, everyone need the light.  Keep your candle before them, in plain view of their sight.

The light of Christmas has splintered the darkness; Hope is ours once more.

The light calls us forward, remembering the past and walking confidently into the future.

Do put out the candle if you have children/pets. Please do not leave it burning where it is unattended.

Reading: Luke’s gospel, chapter 2: verses 1 to 20 Shepherds

Song: While shepherds watched

James Banks tells this story

I got you a present!” my two-year-old grandson shouted excitedly as he pressed a box into my hands. “He picked it out all by himself,” my wife smiled.

I opened the box to find a Christmas ornament of his favourite cartoon character. (Shawn the sheep) “Can I see it?” he asked anxiously. Then he played with “my” present for the rest of the evening, and as I watched him, I smiled.

I smiled because I remembered gifts I had given loved ones in the past, like the music album I gave my older brother one Christmas when I was in high school that I really wanted to listen to (and did). & I realized how years later God was still stretching me and teaching me to give more unselfishly.

Giving is something we grow into. Paul wrote, “But since you excel in everything .see that you also excel in this grace of giving” (2 Corinthians 8:7). Grace fills our giving as we understand that all we have is from God, and He has shown us “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

God generously gave us the most unselfish gift of all: His only Son, who would die on a cross for our sins and be raised to life. Any who receive this ultimate gift are rich beyond measure. As our hearts are focused on Him, may our hands be open in love to others.

In our next hymn, In the bleak mid winter, the last verse reads

What can I give him? Poor as I am If I were a shepherd I would give a lamb
If I were a wise man I would do my part, Yet what I can, I give him: Give him my heart

Song: In the bleak mid winter

At one of our Christmas services last year, Jonathan, our pastor asked if any one could right a carol to a well-known Christmas song. This is what I came up with the words came to me in the early hours a week before Christmas back in 2017. I sang it at that years carol service. Here it is for you to sing along to: it plays the introduction then the well known chorus.

(do not watch words on the screen)

Joseph and his wife Mary Rudolf the red nosed reindeer

Joseph and his wife Mary had a very tiring day,
When they got to Bethlehem
There was not a place to stay.
One of the hotel keepers Led them to the stable door,
There Mary had her baby, placed him on a bed of straw.

There were shepherds in the field
Angels came to say:
" fe-ar not our lights are bright
Go and see God's Child this night. "
Then all the shepherds ran there

as they shouted out with glee,

Jesus the son of Mary. You'll go down in history

There were shepherds in the field
Angels came to say:
" fe-ar not our lights are bright
Go and see God's Child this night. "
Then all the shepherds ran there
as they shouted out with glee,
Jesus the son of Mary. You'll go down in history.

By Susannah Youdan.

Reading: Matthew’s gospel, chapter 2: verses 1 to 12 The Magi visit the Messiah

As with Gladness Men of Old is considered an Epiphany hymn more than a Christmas hymn. William Chatterton Dix wrote the hymn on January 6, 1859 while recovering from an extended illness. He was bed bound at his home in Glasgow, and unable to attend that morning’s Epiphany service at church. While reading the account of the Epiphany or Wise Men in the Gospel of Matthew, he was inspired by the text. He began to write his thoughts throughout the day. His writings eventually became this hymn.  However, he kept it private until the following year.  It was then published in Hymns for Public Worship and Private Devotion.

Song: As with gladness men of old

Reading: Matthew’s gospel, chapter 2: verses 13 to 21

In our next hymn Unto us a child is Born

Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph, but he was also born “unto us,” the spiritually bankrupt; the lost and broken.

Song: Unto us a child is Born

Poem: Jesus Is The Reason

In Bethlehem, God gave to us  The source of Christmas joy;
 A star shown on a miracle:  The virgin birth of a boy.

He was born both God and man,  A Saviour for us all,
 The way to get to our heavenly home,  If we just heed His call.

So as we shop and spend and wrap  And enjoy the Christmas season,
 Let's keep in mind the sacred truth:  Jesus is the reason.

By Joanna Fuchs

Song: Holy Child how still you lie

Holy child, how still you lie!
safe the manger, soft the hay;
faint upon the eastern sky
breaks the dawn of Christmas Day.

Holy child, whose birthday brings
shepherds from their field and fold,
angel choirs and eastern kings,
myrrh and frankincense and gold.

Holy child, what gift of grace
from the Father freely willed!
In your infant form we trace
all God's promises fulfilled.

Holy child, whose human years
span like ours delight and pain;
one in human joys and tears,
one in all but sin and stain.

Holy child, so far from home,
all the lost to seek and save;
to what dreadful death You come
to what dark and silent grave!

Holy child, before whose name
powers of darkness faint and fall;
conquered death and sin and shame -
Jesus Christ is Lord of all.

Holy child, how still you lie!
safe the manger, soft the hay;
faint upon the eastern sky
breaks the dawn of Christmas Day.

breaks the dawn of Christmas Day.

Let us go out with hope proclaiming that we have seen the glory of God.

Believing that there is a light that shines in the darkness which the darkness shall not overcome


And may the love of God

The joy of the Spirit,

And the peace of the Christ-child be with you this Christmas, and evermore Amen.

To listen and watch

Angels We Have Heard on High

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