Wednesday 22 May 2024

Week beginning 12th May


How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52 : verse 7

Song: How lovely on the mountains

How Lovely on the Mountains (Our God Reigns - 4vv+refrain) [with lyrics for congregations] (


Lord Jesus,  Prince of Peace, We come before you with hearts burdened and restless. Grant us the inner peace that surpasses all understanding. Calm the storms within us and fill us with the assurance of your presence. Help us to cast our anxieties upon you, and to trust in your perfect peace. In Jesus' name, Join us in unity of love as we say together the prayer you taught us.

Lords Prayer

Song: Great is Thy faithfulness

Great is thy faithfulness (

Reading: The letter to the Romans, chapter 5: verses 1 to 11.

Song: May the mind of Christ my Saviour

May the mind of Christ my Saviour StF 504 (with lyrics for congregations) (

Reading: John’s gospel, chapter 14: verses15 to 27.

Song: In heavenly love abiding

In Heavenly Love Abiding (

Starting with a question. Can you remember a time or situation when someone really rejected you? What did this do to the relationship between you, or to your feelings?

Sin is the rejection of God by people. None of us is righteous; none of us is without guilt.

Paul tells us that God’s judgement is coming, and that there is punishment for the self-righteous. This is regardless of a person’s religious background or practice.

He goes on to say that the power of God brings salvation to all who believe. In chapter 4, he has described how Abraham was justified (put right with God) by his faith. Jesus was delivered to death for our sin, and raised to life for our justification. By this, we have been declared not guilty.

Therefore, we can be sure of our peaceful relationship with God,

Peace; a lovely word. We use the word frequently, when asking for, or thanking for “Peace and quiet”, or when we ask that God will let someone “Rest in peace”. In the bible, words can sometimes have “bible meanings”. Peace can mean complete or whole. It can mean restore or make whole. Paul uses the word in this sense, that we have been justified, or made righteous before God. Nothing we have done has achieved this, it is grace, a free gift from god, it means that we are no longer God’s enemies.

We live in a world where things have to be earned, or worked for. This can be exam grades, a good physique, or promotion.

There is nothing wrong with working hard in life. Many things which are desirable can only be achieved with hard work. But Paul tells us that we can have a relationship with God, that we can cease being enemies of God, simply by accepting it.

Do we feel that we can accept it? Other religions teach that people need to earn their relationship with go; that they must do enough good, or be spiritual enough, in order to merit our relationship with God. We need to do nothing!

Can we accept the peace which Jesus gives? Or do we still feel that we need to earn it? Do we perhaps feel that there is some sin in our life which God hasn’t (or even can’t!) forgive? Sometimes we struggle to accept this.

We need to ask the Holy spirit to show us areas in which we might not be accepting him.

Closing prayer

Almighty God, we pray for peace in our world, where there is often conflict and strife. Bring an end to violence and injustice. Inspire leaders to work towards the well-being of all people. May your love and compassion prevail, uniting nations in a common pursuit of peace. Let your kingdom of peace reign on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, I pray. Amen.

Song: Love divine all love excelling

Love Divine All Loves Excelling (


May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son,
and the presence of the Spirit, gladden your heart
and bring you peace this day and all days, Amen.

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