Wednesday 15 May 2024

Week beginning 21st April


Song: This is the day that the Lord has made

This is the day that the Lord has made! | Hymns for Easter | Emmaus Music - YouTube


Good Shepherd, help us to boldly proclaim your love, lighting the way of your truth for all to see. As we walk through green pastures, beside still waters, and even through the darkest valleys, help us to go forth confidently. For you are greater than our fears and you know how to bring us peace. As the world we live in seems to be a more fearful place every day, help us to remember that you ARE with us. Goodness and mercy may seem so elusive, but we know that you have promised we will find them in your house, if no where else. Lord, we confess to you that there are times where we have seen enemies in the faces of our neighbours… the other….the refugee…the poor…and the oppressed… As you have prepared out tables, Lord, Help us to turn enemies into friends. Help us to desire a longer table, where more can be welcomed in your name. Amen.


Song: Loved with everlasting love

Loved with Everlasting Love (

Reading: The gospel according to John, chapter 20, verses 1 to 18


God of the Resurrection, we thank you for the time that we have to worship and praise together this day. We praise you for the continuing gift of Easter, for the Spring that brings longer days and beautiful flowers. We pray for that same new life and vitality within our churches, Lord, that we may be energised to do your work.

As you have been our shepherd, we pray for the shepherds within our own churches. Those that keep watch, guarding your flocks. Those willing to go out and search for sheep in need. Bless all those willing to tell others about You.

We pray for those walking daily on your path. On the days that the paths are straight, and the sun is shining, it’s easy to follow you. On other days, when we’re walking in a dark valley, it’s more difficult. It’s during those times when we need you the most.

We pray especially for the sick, the elderly and bereaved: that the Good Shepherd may give them courage and lead them beside the restful waters of healing and peace.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Reading: The gospel according to John, chapter 20, verses 19 to 31

Song: Jesus the name high over all

Jesus! the Name High Over All (Tune: Lydia - 6vv) [with lyrics for congregations] (

The gospels are full of amazing statements. In the first chapter of John’s gospel, John the Baptist says “Look, the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” This is at the heart of the gospel message. It is Jesus who takes away our sin, not anything we can do.

Towards the end of Luke’s gospel, when Jesus was being crucified, he had a criminal on either side of him. The one reviled him, where the other asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom. In spite of their desperate situations, he sees Jesus as the King of the eternal kingdom. Jesus’ response is straightforward. Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” There is no opportunity for the man to do anything. No chance to earn a place with good works, His place is assured.

In Mark’s gospel, the centurion present at the crucifixion says “Surely this man was the Son of God!” We now know that the past tense (was) is not appropriate, We know that Jesus Is the Son of God.

In today’s reading, we read another amazing situation. Jesus shows Thomas his injuries, and Thomas responds “My Lord and my God.”

Thomas was one of the twelve. He is only referred to once in each of Matthew, Mark and Luke’s gospels, but eight times in John’s. Traditionally, Thomas is referred to as “Doubting Thomas”. He missed out on the first appearance of Jesus, we aren’t told why.

The name “Doubting” is a bit unfair. He was not the only person to doubt, there are several others on the gospels. His response to the others saying that they had seen Jesus was to say that he wanted more proof, he wanted to touch. Quite a natural response.

When Jesus meets Thomas, he tells him to stop doubting and believe.

The gospel record shows that Thomas’s loyalty was not in doubt. But Jesus was dead. Jesus showed to Thomas how his death, resurrection and love meant that there was no condemnation. Thomas received a personal greeting. His response was similarly personal. Not “our” but “my. He understood exactly who Jesus is. Not just words, either spoken or on a page, but a life.

Jesus calls us all. Some by name in a sudden startling fashion, others more gradually, but no less personally.

Song: There is no love like the love of Jesus

There is no love like the love (

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