Wednesday 31 December 2008

Early Advent.

Our journey towards Christmas started in mid November (23rd). Our pastor, Jonathan, celebrated "Stir-up Sunday" by baking a cake during the morning service. This Sunday, another name for the Sunday before Advent, is so called because the set prayer, or collect, for the day begins with the words "Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people;". Comments were made about the "Cooking Pastor" and Jonathan asked the congregation whether they wanted to be stirred up. We ate the cake after the service with the coffee.
The "Fair Trade" coffee morning on December 6th was very well attended and the sales of Fair Trade goods were very encouraging. We hope that this attempt to improve trade justice will continue to grow.
December 14th was the date of our "Advent Carol Service" when we considered what we were preparing for as we approach Christmas as we sang a selection of hymns and carols related to the coming of our Lord. We also listened to what Jonathan described as one of the most profound things in a song. The Song was by Slade. The message was "So here it is, Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun; look to the future now, the future's just begun.

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