Tuesday 10 November 2009

Harvest and Art Festival

Traditionally the first weekend in October is our Harvest Festival. This year we added to this by having an art exhibition. Hallam Art Group were invited to bring along pictures painted or drawn in the Mayfield Valley.

Earlier in the year they had met and held sketching days based at the chapel, and the results were on show over the weekend.

The exhibition was open over the whole weekend and light refreshments were available. We were very pleased with the number of people who visited us over the weekend.

Harvest celebration services were held on Sunday, in the morning our pastor Susannah led our worship, and in the evening we were pleased to welcome Mrs Muriel Stonehewer, national president ot "Women on Action". The contributions to the Harvest celebration were taken to St Wilfrid's centre to support their work.

The Art festival meant that the back room was not able to be used for the traditional Harvest Supper on the Saturday of the weekend, so it was postponed until the following Saturday. Home made pie and peas was followed by musical entertainment.

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