Saturday 6 June 2020

The People of God. Week beginning June 7th.

The People of God
Shine Jesus Shine.

Exodus 19: 1-11

Ye servants of God

John 15: 1-8

Acts 2: 37 – 47

Ye servants of God

1 Peter 2: 1-11

The People of God
What does it mean to be “The People of God”.?
In the Old Testament, the Israelites are referred to as “the people of God” in Judges 20:2 and 2 Samuel 14:13. The equivalent phrases “the people of the Lord,” and “the peoploe of the Lord your God” are also sued. In these texts, God is represented as speaking of the Children of Israle as “my people”. The people of God was a term first used in Exodus 6:7. In this covenant between man and God, God promised deliverance and the people owed obedience.
In the New Testament, the expression “people of God” is found in Hebrews 4:9 and 11:25,and the expression “his people”, that is God’s people, appears in Revelation 21:3. 2 Cornthians 6:16 mentions the same promises to the New Testament believer, “I will walk with them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” which as parallel to Exodus 6.

Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.  I will take you as my own people, and I will be your God. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.”

The people, wandering through the wilderness with Moses, would have been familiar with the idea of obedience. They were following; each other, the column of fire and cloud, and God. They had the rules of the Mosaic law, hundreds of them. They believed that following these laws was pleasing to God, and in following, served him.

Jesus taught that following the law was difficult if not impossible. Peter tells us what is necessary to become people of God; what torid ourselves of, and what to crave.

Luke tells us what the early church did in their community. It was visible, they were looking after each other, Caring for each other. Sharing with each other. In John’s gospel (13: 34,35), we are told that loving one another will make us visible to others, that they may know that we are Jesus’ disciples.

The list in Acts is neither prescriptive, nor proscriptive. What is necessary to show love is what we must do. The deeds listed were what was necessary then, we must look at what is necessary now. Currently we are in difficult circumstances. This is the sort of time when we need to be looking for ways to show love to one another.

There is a story of when God was looking for a people to call his own, and he went to various groups and asked them what they would do for him if he became their God. One by one, they promised to produce; great works of art; profound systems of philosophy; great armies and caravans of trade. Eventually, he arrived a bunch of nomads called the Hebrews. They replied, almost apologetically, that they could offer none of these things, but that they could promise to tell the stories of his deede to their children, and they to their children and so on. And God said “It’s a deal!”

Telling is an essential part of being part of the people of God.

Is everything mentioned so far the outsiders’ experience of the church? Are we obvious by our love for one another? Do weshow to the world that we have “...rid (y)ourselves of all malice and deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.”? Many outsiders would say that they have seen the opposite. There are those who are seen as Christians but who are malicious, deceitful, envious, slanderous and hypocritical.

In the “Simpsons”, there was a character called Maud. She was the wife of Ned Flanders. In one episode, she had disappeared, but turned up having been away at bible college. She had been on a course “To help be become more judgmental”.

Is this how the world sees us? Of course, we all say “Who? Me?”

In the T.V. series “Hallelujah!” where Thora Hird played the part of a Salvations Army officer, someone said that they would not come to church because “It was full of hypocrites”. The response was, “Oh that’s all right, it’s not full! There’s room for plenty more!”

Where does it say in the bible that to be one of the people of God we have to be miserable? Yey some churches seem to delight in being miserable. Many years ago I preached at a joint service with two congregations. When I used a humourous illustration to make a point, I could tell the members of the two congregations apart by who laughed and who did not. Some Christians seem to be even more miserable when they suspect that someone else is having fun!

The early Christian community is often described as “glad”. We need to remember this.

The people of God. Sharing, caring, telling the stories, spending time in each others’ company (when we can!) enjoying.

The People of God

I tried to find this song on the internet, but there seems to be some copyright issue around the music. Please read it as a prayer or meditation .

'Moses I know you're the man,' the Lord said.
'You're going to work out My plan,' the Lord said.
'Lead all the Israelites out of slavery.
And all shall make them a wandering race
called the people of God.'

So ev'ry day we're on our way,
for we're travelling, wandering race
called the people of God.

'Don't get too set in your ways,' the Lord said.
'Each step is only a phase,' the Lord said.
'I'll go before you and I shall be a sign
to guide My travelling, wandering race.
You're the people of God.'

'No matter what you may do,' the Lord said,
'I shall be faithful and true,' the Lord said.
'My love will strengthen you as you go along,
for you're My travelling, wandering race.
You're the people of God.'

'Look at the birds in the air,' the Lord said.
'They fly unhampered by care,' the Lord said.
'You will move easier if you're travelling light,
for you're a wandering vagabond race.
You're the people of God.'

'Foxes have places to go,' the Lord said.
'But I've no home here below,' the Lord said.
'So if you want to be with Me all your days,
keep up the moving and travelling on.
You're the people of God.'
Estelle White (1925- )
taken from

Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people is governed and sanctified: hear our prayer which we offer for all members of your holy Church; that each in their vocation and minstry may serve you in holinessand truth, to the glory of your name; throught our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I like to think that Fanny Crosby would approve of this treatment of one of her hymns.

Praise him, Praise him,

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