Sunday 10 October 2021

Week beginning 10th October


The calling of the Apostles

Song: The Lord Jehovah reigns



Father, it would hardly surprise us to learn that you had long ago given us up as hopeless. Certainly we often feel like despairing of ourselves, when we remember the temptations we have wilfully sought out, the known danger signals we have recklessly ignored , the harm we have done in countless ways to other people and to ourselves.

Yet you have not rejected us. Far from giving us up as hopeless, you have kept on coming to look for us. When we see Jesus eating with sinners, we know that there is hope for us. May his love be brought home to our hearts by your Spirit today.


Reading: The book of Isaiah chapter 6

Song: Who is on the Lord’s side?

Who is on the Lords side - YouTube

Reading: The gospel of Mark chapter 3, verses 13 to 19

Song: Give me the faith which can remove

Give Me The Faith Which Can Remove StF 661 - YouTube

What is an Apostle?

What do we think of when we hear this word? What image does it bring to mind? A quick internet search for “Apostles” Images will, produce a number of ‘Saintly’ pictures, artists’ impressions of them. But did they really look like this saintly crowd?

Apostle means one sent out. A preacher, or missionary.(which comes from the Latin word missio, sent out)

Who were they?


to whom he gave the name Peter

He was the son of John, from Bethsaida, a fisherman. He confessed Jesus as the Messiah and Ddenied Jesus three times. Tradition has him as the first Pope. Preached on the day of Pentecost. Believed to be a source of Mark for his gospel.


Simon's brother. Also son of John. Fisherman. Tradition has him well travelled and crucified on a saltire, X shaped cross.

James, son of Zebedee

One of the “sons of Thunder” Apparently impetuous. He was called “James the great” to distinguish from the other James. Zebedee is presented as a man of some means, married to a woman called Salome. James was the first apostle to be martyred (Acts 12)

John (James' brother)

The other of the “sons of thunder.” Traditionally regarded as John the evangelist, author of John's gospel, the letters and the Revelation. The one whom Jesus loved. Traditionally outlived all the other apostles and was the only one not to be martyred.


From Bethsaida. Features most prominently in John's gospel


Born in Cana. Identified with Nathanael in John's account. Friend of Philip.


Identified with Levi, son of Alphaeus. The tax collector. Would have been literate in Greek and Aramaic. Traditionally the Author of Matthew's gospel. Traditionally well travelled, although different traditions differ as to where .


The twin. Also known as Didymus.(twin) Famously known as a sceptic. “Doubting Thomas” but he ultimately was a believer. Traditionally travelled widely, as far as India. St Thomas Christians or Nasranis trace themselves back to his witness.

James, son of Alphaeus

Also known as “James the less” (younger/smaller?). Some consider that he is James the brother of Jesus, although the name makes this less likely. Levi is also referred to as Levi son of Alphaeus. Perhaps he is Levi/Matthew's brother, or perhaps there was another Alphaeus.


Means “Heart” or “Courageous Heart”. Could be a Nickname. Identified with “Jude, son of James” (Luke) and “Jude, not Iscariot” (John) Could be Jude, the brother of Jesus, but not certain.

Simon, the Zealot

The Cananean. The freedom fighter. The zealots believed that God was the ruler of Israel, no taxes should be paid to Rome. Involved in revolts and rebellions. Some might have known him as Simon the Terrorist? It would have depended on your side.

Judas Iscariot

Best known for betrayal. Selling Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

What does Iscariot mean?

  1. Man of Kerioth (region or town (at least 2 such))

  2. A member of a band of assassins called the sicarii, carried dagger.

  3. The liar or the false one.

  4. Red colour

  5. to deliver.

  6. Chokiness or constriction. Applied posthumously to relate to his death. However, he is referred to as son of Simon Iscariot.

All these descriptions identify the people. They make them “real”.to the reader of the time. But descriptions such as names and nicknames are often only related to particular times. If we don't know who Alphaeus, of Zebedee were, than the fact that someone was their son tells us nothing.

If you are a fan of “Red Dwarf” (A British science fiction comedy), you may remember that a character describes a monster as having “More teeth than the entire Osmond family!” This is only helpful to people of a certain age. If we remember, Alan,Wayne, Merril, Jay, Donny and Jimmy, along with Marie, and older brothers George and Tom, we will instantly understand the reference. If we are too young to know who they are, then it is an unhelpful description

The descriptions of these people would have identified them to the readers.

They were a difficult crowd.

Could have been younger than Jesus. Some say that the description “Son of” indicates this, but Jesus is referred to as Son of Joseph. More likely just a way of identifying them. We have no real way of telling their age. None are recorded as being married. (Although Simon Peter is recorded as having a mother in law......) It would have been unusual for a man not to be married by the age Jesus was (30), and difficult to wander about the region if they were.

We have this image of them wandering about as a gang of 13 for the three years of Jesus' ministry. The recorded events would not take 3 years. Several of the recorded events only detail a smaller number, perhaps the rest were working some of the time, perhaps Jesus was? We can only guess.

They were a troublesome crowd.

James and John wanted to be seated on Jesus's right and left.

Judas reportedly stole from the common purse.

Jesus rebuked them for their failure to understand.

Simon Peter was armed with a sword when Jesus was arrested, and used it.

They were a “sent out crowd”.

Even when unwelcome, even when apparently useless, (like Isaiah) Even when no results are apparent. The seed will be in the ground.

They were just like us.

Difficult, argumentative, flawed. Jesus accepted what was available. Not as his students, not as his trainees, but as his preachers, his missionaries, his evangelists. He did not look exclusively for wealthy, educated, literate, trained people (although undoubtedly some of them were!) He took what there was, as they were. He did not expect them to change before they could join. (although he probably anticipated that they would change after they had joined.)

They were also just like those outside.

Just as the apostles are like us, so they are like them. Those outside. The people we claim to be concerned with, that we want to convert and bring inside the fold. We proudly sing “Just as I am” but we also need to remember that it is just as true to say “Just as they are”. Jesus accepts them just as they are, with all their faults, shortcomings and reservations, just as he accepted the apostles with all their faults, reservations and shortcomings, just as he accepts us with all our faults, reservations and shortcomings.

We must be looking for ways to make it easier for people to come in and not be putting barriers in their way. Too often the message of the church is “Change and then we will let you meet with Jesus”, but the message of the gospels is “Meet with Jesus and then you will change” We have to let people have that meeting.

Once those 12 men were accepted by Jesus, they changed, and then they changed the world. In spite of all their faults, shortcomings and reservations.

Once we were accepted by Jesus, we changed, and we can change the world, in spite of all our faults, reservations and shortcomings.

Once “They” out there are accepted by Jesus they can change and they can change the world, in spite of all their faults, reservations and shortcomings.

May we present them with their opportunity to start on that journey.

Song: Lord speak to me

Lord, Speak to Me - YouTube


We pray that the newness that only you can bring may be found in our lives and in the life of the world.

May your new life transform our work. Help us to trust that our work has a place in your purpose.

May your new life transform our neighbourhoods. Help us to overcome the shyness and hesitation which hold us back from getting to know people.

May your new life transform our family relationships. Help us to always believe in the possibility of reconciliation and renewal in our family life.

May your new life transform the church. Give us the courage to be like the apostles and only carry with us what we need to do Christ’s work today.

May your new life transform relations between nations and peoples. Inspire us to establish justice, to forgive former enemies, and to break the circle of war and hate.

God our father, you are always at world creating new life. Help us really to believe this, to live constructively, and to play our part in the renewal of your creation.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Song: God’s spirit is in my heart.

God's Spirit is in My Heart (Go Tell Everyone - 4vv+refrain) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube

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