Sunday 10 April 2022

Week beginning April 10th

Reading: Psalm 24

Song: Give to our God immortal Praise

Give to our God immortal praise H&P 22 - YouTube


We gather to seek God
to praise the Creator
to adore the Son
to abide in the Spirit.

To give thanks to the Lord
for He is good.
God's steadfast love endures forever

We gather on this last Sunday of Lent
to share in the praise of Palm Sunday
to anticipate the events of Holy Week
to journey towards the cross and tomb.

To give thanks to the Lord
for He is good.
God's steadfast love endures forever

We gather together
bringing all the worries and wonders of the world
bringing all that is heavy in our hearts or light in our souls
bringing all the joys and challenges of life
whatever our circumstances.

To give thanks to the Lord
for He is good.
God's steadfast love endures forever


(Church of Scotland website)

Song: All glory, laud, and honour

All Glory, Laud and Honour (Tune: St Theodulf - 6vv) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube

Reading: Psalm 118

Reading: Luke’s gospel, chapter 19, verses 28 to 44

Points from this reading:

At the time of Jesus, Psalm 118 was widely used at festivals, especially the feast of the tabernacles.

Palms are not mentioned in Luke’s account, although others do.

Our translation of this story is headed “The triumphal entry” but this is something of a misnomer, Jesus rode on a colt, there was neither crown nor glory. Perhaps it might be better headed “An anti-triumphal entry.”?

It would seem that the picking up of the donkey was planned in advance, certainly some of the commentators seem to think so. It is possible that the question and answer at the time of collection was some sort of pre-arranged code.

Matthew, on the other hand, says that there were two animals used. This does create a rather awkward image of exactly how Jesus rode two animals. It is possible that Matthew was keen to make the connection with Zechariah’s prophecy (chapter 9, verses 9). By comparison, Roman generals would have rode on a large white horse, Jesus’ entry would have been a huge contrast. Solomon is recorded as riding a mule, this may have been the image the Jesus was trying to re-create.

As said above, Luke does not mention palm branches, but Mark does. It was a part of tradition to use palm branches in this way.

The cloaks spread on the road are reminiscent of the coronation of Jehu where similar events are recorded.

The crowd, recorded as cheering is in stark contrast to the jeers and shouts of “Crucify” a week later.

In the old testament, there are occasions where the prophets performed some dramatic act when it appeared that noone was listening. Perhaps this is in a similar tradition?

Luke links the entry into Jerusalem with Jesus crying for the state of Jerusalem. As if these are two sides of the same coin.

If Jesus came now and stood in our midst, would he cry for the state of our community?

People began to understand what Jesus had been saying. The entry said a great deal about his message, his style. That he brought Life; Hope; Expectation. The Joy cannot be stopped.

Let us be happy today, not that this happiness is dependant on our mood!

Let us rejoice with the crowd, and weep with Jesus; if we do not, then the stones will cry out in our place.

Song: Make way,

Make Way - Graham Kendrick (With lyrics) - YouTube


God of Creation
We cry to You from the depths
of creation's destruction
how long will rivers and lakes
be contaminated?
how long will forests be destroyed?
Jeopardizing the lives of indigenous,
afro and peasant families
who need these resources of Your creation
to enjoy a dignified life.
God of creation, hear our voice.

God of Justice
we cry to You from the depths
of injustice and abuse
how long will we be afraid
to denounce the activities
which weigh most heavily
on families and communities
who are destitute or poor?
How long will our silence
put countless virtuous lives at risk;
our brothers and sisters
whom You call us to care for and protect?
God of justice, hear our voice

God of Life,
We cry to You from the depths
Of inhumanity and neglect
How long will a lack of solidarity
And absence of compassion
bring pain to those who suffer
hunger, disease, abandonment and
loss of their rights and freedom?
Forgive our selfishness and insensitivity
that causes sadness and anguish
in many families and communities.
God of life, hear our voice.


(Church of Scotland website)

Song: One day as Jesus reached a town : One Day as Jesus Reached a Town

Tune: Forest Green

O Little Town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) - YouTube

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