Tuesday 13 September 2022

Week beginning 11th September


We open with a minute’s silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Giving thanks for her life and achievements

Song: National Anthem, God save our gracious King!

God Save the King - The British National Anthem 2022 Lyrics. - YouTube

It is right that we think of our new King, Charles III, starting a new job, at an age when most of us would be retired. (73)


God, our companion – in times of uncertainty and testing, bless us with;

Peace to hold us.

Grace to strengthen us.

Wisdom to guide us.

God our healer – in times of sorrow and loss, grant us;

The spirit of love and gentleness.

The patience of hope.

The gift of new life and the courage to face life.

God our maker – when our burdens seem heavy and we are tempted to fear, restore is us;

The joy of loving and being loved.

The spirit of generosity and compassion.

The serenity of acceptance.

And in all things, keep us in the way of Christ and obedient to your will. Amen.

Keith Davies.

Song: Lord, the light of your love is shining

Lord, the light of Your love (Shine, Jesus, shine) - YouTube

Reading: Psalm 62, verses 5 to 12

Reading: Matthew’s gospel, chapter 5, verses 13 to 16

Song: Lord of creation

Lord of creation, to you be all praise - YouTube


God our Father, We ask that you give wisdom to all in authority, As Solomon asked for Wisdom to rule the people, so we ask that you will give wisdom to his Majesty King Charles III. May our nation follow the path of justice and peace, and may the resources available to governments be used for the good of all, and not the narrow self interest of a few.

Father, we pray for those who are mourning. Especially we pray for the members of the royal family who have lost a mother, grandmother or great grandmother; an aunty, a cousin and a friend. Comfort and heal all those who suffer, give them courage and hope, and bring them the joy of your salvation. We rejoice in the faithful witness of Her Majesty, and the example she has set to us all.

We pray that we too may be faithful in our witness, and reveal your glory to the world.


Song: I want to walk with Jesus Christ

I Want To Walk With Jesus Christ Song Lyrics Video - YouTube

There can be few weeks when the theme has been set so firmly. Queen Elizabeth had a long life and a long reign. The newspaper I picked up on the bus on Friday was entirely devoted to her life and times.

There were many deeds recorded, many memories. There were accounts of events, both great and small. The great affairs of state sat alongside more personal anecdotes.

The role of the monarch in the United Kingdom is one of very little power, but great influence.

There was a story of small boy who was playing at Windsor, and he fell on the gravel, badly cutting his knee. The queen picked him up, comforted him and dressed his wound. Many will remember the story of the man who drove off the road near Sandringham. The next motorist along the road, stopped her Range Rover and towed him out. That driver was Her Majesty.

There were also great things; awards for organisations, such as the Queen’s badge in the Boys’ Brigade received her personal attention. Her campaign for a green canopy was a topic dear to her heart. Her contribution to relations between nations has been immense.

There are many about the Queen which show her “normality”.

There is a story of a group of walkers who walked up a group of picnickers in Scotland, “My friends say that you are the Queen”, said the boldest of the group. “I am” replied the picnicker. “Why are you here” asked the walker. “I live here” she replied.

Walking in the town, in company with her protection officer, the queen was approached by a tourist. “Have you ever seen the Queen?” asked the tourist. “No, but he has!” replied the Queen, looking at her protection officer.

She served in ATS during the war and trained as a driver and mechanic. It is said that she kept in touch with girls/women she met for a long time.

How relevant is all this to our lives? None of us is likely to have an entire edition of a newspaper dedicated to us, for any reason, esp when we die!

What did Jesus say?

You are salt of the earth”

You are what the make the earth better. Only small amounts of salt are needed for most uses. But if you have ever missed the salt out of a recipe, you notice its absence.

You are the light of the world”

A small amount of light can be seen for a great distance. The internet quotes between 1.6 miles and 30 miles for the distance which a candle can be seen. A city on a hill cannot be hid!

Good cannot be hidden. We notice if it is not there.

In Romans chapter 2, verse 6, Paul says that God “will repay each person according to what they have done.” quoting psalm 62.

This is a difficult passage, most say that what deeds we do is nothing to do with our salvation, but here, Paul suggest the opposite.

Why should we do good deeds? For our own benefit? For the reward we hope to get?

There is an image of St Michael weighing our deeds before the throne of God, and then God judging us. This is not an image from Scripture, but the idea of being judged according to our deeds is!

In Matthew, J says  let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

It is our deeds which enable others to be able to glorify God. No mention of how large or small those deeds are, nor of how attractive or otherwise they are to the person doing them,

It is the glorification of God which is important. The ways in which we enable others to see God’s presence in our lives, and how good it is for them.

As we remember her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, we can reflect on how she has enabled others to see God by her actions. We can pause to wonder how we have enabled others to glorify God by our actions. We can pray that our new King will enable others to glorify God by his actions.

Song: Lord for the years

Lord, For the Years (Tune: Lord of the Years - 5vv) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube

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