Monday 10 October 2022

Week beginning 9th October

Song: Here from the world we turn

Moments of Prayer (Here From the World We Turn) - YouTube


Lord, we bring you our thanks. Thanks that we can come to worship you, knowing that we can worship you and pray anywhere. These are precious times when we meet in company with others, knowing that we are a part of something much larger. We give thanks for opportunities to sing, read your word and worship you.

We thank you for the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ with us, and the holy Spirit fulling and enabling us.

We thank you for the writers of the songs, and the saints who have walked this way before us. We pray for those who are unable to meet with us, for whatever reason.

We pray for the worldwide church, and its mission. We pray for the great company of people across the world, rejoicing in their witness, and that they will be blessed by being together to worship.

In the name of Jesus. Amen

Song: O worship the Lord

O Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness (Tune: Was Lebet Was - 5vv) [lyrics for congregations] - YouTube


Father, we thank you for this time of prayer. For the knowledge that we have your ear as we pray for others.

We remember those with needs. There are many places in the world where people are in great need.

We pray for the people in the Ukraine, may there be a miracle of peace; we pray for those who are suffering, especially the children; we pray that they may feel your loving arms around them; we pray for those who have left their homes to become refugees, may they be welcomed in their new locations.

We pray for the church around the world, especially in places where there is persecution, where the Christians are not accepted. We pray for organisations which seek to support Christians in these places.

We pray for those in positions on responsibility, in the U.K. we pray for the new King and Prime minister.

We pray that the proclamation of the gospel may never cease, that those who carry the message to our towns and cities, to people’s doors, and in places of worship may not weary in their efforts.

We pray for the congregations across the world, that their needs, both physical and spiritual may be met by you. May they love, show mercy and pray as you have inspired them. In Jesu’s name. Amen

Song: My hope is built on nothing less

My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less (with lyrics) - The most BEAUTIFUL hymn! - YouTube

With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

This story is reported by Matthew (chapter 19) and Luke (chapter 18) as well as the version by Mark which we read today. In the New International version of the bible, this is headlined “The Rich Young Man” or “The rich and the kingdom of God.”

The man was a local leader, perhaps something like a magistrate. He sincerely approached Jesus, the man come to serve. He had a question about eternal life.

We can assume that this man had it all; status, wealth, and youth. We can imagine that he was a handsome figure, although the scripture is silent in this. In the modern world, he would probably have had many followers on Facebook! But there was gap in his life. He needed to be assured about immortality. He needed to know that his immortality would be spent with God.

We can ask ourselves whether he had been to the established religious leaders of the day. Had he done so and been disappointed? Whatever his past he came to Jesus. Perhaps he knew of him? Maybe he had heard him speaking?

Jesus was a poor man, not a “man of position”, but he was known as a healer, he was known to have answers.

The account seems to suggest that this was not a chance meeting. The man ran up to Jesus and fell on his knees. He spoke confidently, perhaps he had been rehearsing his question in advance? He didn’t want to miss the opportunity, he showed respect to Jesus. He called him “Good teacher” Perhaps so that the disciples would have approved.

Unlike Nicodemus, recorded by John, he came in public, he was not afraid to be seen talking to Jesus. He came confident that he would get an answer, but the answer was not the one he wanted and he went away disappointed. I appears that he did not plan to go anywhere else, as we say today he had no plan B!

Jesu’s response was to ask the man why he called him “Good”, there is noone good but God. Jesus was not denying his deity. He was saying to the man that he was desiring eternal life through doing things. what must I do to inherit eternal life?” is the question. You cannot do enough good things to earn eternal life, Jesus is saying, and neither can we. Jesus says that the man knows the commandments, and he responds that he has done all these things. He was a fine upstanding citizen, “A nice Jewish Boy!” But he knew that this was not enough. He needed something more. What other good thing could he do?

We can assume that the had not heard the Sermon on the Mount, where we learn that it is not just visible actions that matter, but the internal matters, the thoughts and desires of the heart. Those things which are invisible to people, but visible to God.

Jesus could see into his heart. He knew what held him back. Jesus knew the sincerity of the question, and saw the torment in his soul. Jesus looked at him and loved him. He loved the lost sinner.

If you are reading this, and are not the Lord’s. What is the gap? What is keeping you from him? He died on the cross and took your sins, you have been cleansed, you can have the assurance that the rich young man lacked.

In the parable of the sower, Jesus referred to the seeds which fell among thorns, which sprang up and was choked. The choking was by (among other things) the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches.

It was not the riches which kept him from the kingdom, but the love of riches. Jesus told him One thing you lack, Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

This is not one instruction but two. He could have given up his possessions and still not been saved. There is the need to follow as well!

Do we have to give up all our possessions? We need to remember that Jesus was training his disciples. Everything he did was to show them how to continue in their work. All his interactions with others train his disciples.

Jesus said “How hard it is” The disciples were amazed. All their tradition would have been telling them “this man has been blessed.” If he can’t be saved, then who can?”

Je3sis is showing them, and us, that  “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” God has to do a great work for this to happen. The man had to be convinced that he was a sinner. And he went away disappointed. Was he ever saved?; did he see or hear more?; was he present at the resurrection?; was he present at Pentecost?; unfortunately we don’t know these things; we can only pray that the answer is yes.

The wealth was not the problem, just the love of wealth, the reliance on wealth.

Recently, in the U.K. we have been mourning the death of our monarch, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II. A woman of great wealth, but a servant. Her calling was to serve, and a calling she fulfilled, and demonstrated her great faith.

We don’t all need to become hermits. We cannot make ourselves good. We cannot work our way into eternal life. We can’t let possessions be what we trust in. We must not trust in the wrong things. We must trust in Jesus.

We are called to be loving and caring. There may be sacrifices in this life, but they will be nothing when compared to the glory in eternity.

In the second letter to the Corinthians, Paul says “fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

What is impossible for us?

Nothing is impossible for God.

Song: There is no love like the love of Jesus

There Is No Love Like The Love Of Jesus - No. 160 - The Gospel Singout Project with Lyrics - YouTube

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