Wednesday 23 November 2022

Week beginning 20th November


Amazing Grace

Reading: Psalm 146, verses 1 to 5

Song: Praise to the Lord

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty • T4G Live II [Official Lyric Video] - YouTube


Lord, we know that there are many places around the world that need our prayers. The war in the Ukraine drags on, and the suffering continues. We pray for those who suffer as a result, and for those who seek to alleviate the suffering. May there be a peaceful resolution to these problems, move in the hearts of the people who make decisions and impel them towards your will for the people and the nations.

We pray for Iran, which seems to be a troubled country at the moment. We hear reports of arrests and violence which we struggle to understand when we are not from there. Lord, we pray that you will mot6ivate people towards a just and fair resolution of the problems.

In the U.K. we are aware of many people having problems with the cost of living, and the costs of fuel. We pray that you will be with people in their difficulties, and that there may be more efforts to assist those who experience real trouble.

We are aware that many problems occur when people are not looking for you in their lives. May they become aware of your presence alongside them in their problems

We give thanks that Jesus is coming for His people, that He will rule permanently and sort out the problems which currently exist

Bless each one of us in the weeks and months ahead and may many be drawn to you.


Song: Great is Thy faithfulness

Great is Thy Faithfulness (Tune: Faithfulness - 3vv & chorus) [with lyrics for congregations] - YouTube

Reading: Second book of Samuel, chapter 9, verses 1 to 13

Song: The King of Love

Hymn | The King of love my Shepherd is | with LYRICS - YouTube

When I stand before the throne dressed in beauty not my own,
When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart,
Then O Lord shall I fully know—Not till then how much I owe.

Robert Murray M’Cheyne

The word grace has different meanings according to the circumstances. It can be the style and elegance of a dancer, a prayer before a meal to give thanks for the food and bless the diners, it can be the “presence” that some people can bring to events, perhaps the best example being the grace which the late Queen Elizabeth II brought to events, and it can mean an unmerited favour. It is this latter meaning which we are considering this week.

The reading from the second book of Samuel which we read above is one of the best examples of grace in the old testament. David, in an interlude between problems with his enemies asks Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” This would have been an unusual question for a king, the more normal approach would have been to ask whether there any surviving members of the previous dynasty in order to have them removed so that they did not pose a threat to the position.

David is pondering a promise made to Jonathan, he wants to bless someone, not in order to gain any advantage, nor to achieve anything, just to bless them.

He discovers that there is a son of Jonathan, but he is crippled. He does not stop to enquire about this, simply says “bring him in.”

When John the baptist heard of Jesus, he made inquiries, he was doubtful “Are you the one” he wanted to know. Jesus told him to look to the evidence (Matthew 11, verses 5-6) and be reassured. Mephibosheth must have had his doubts when he was summoned. His name means “Shame”. The name of his place of residence, Lo Debar, means “no pastureland” it would have been a poor place, unpleasant, and he would probably have been effectively hiding there, trying to avoid attention. He would have been fearful, possibly fearing for his life.

But David said “Do not fear”. Imagine the relief. Effectively he was adopted as a member of David’s family. He was to eat, not as a passing guest, but as an entitlement. He received a sceptre instead of the sword he expected.

He had been raised up, he was no longer a second class citizen.

The story of grace is not confined to thousands of years ago. It still goes on.

David restored Mephibosheth from a barren place to a place of plenty. He adopted him and he became a King’s son. We have been restored from a barren place to a place of plenty. We have become a King’s children. We are forgiven sinners.

We must offer thanks for the future that this brings. We are not worthy but we have been restored. If you have not received the gift of God’s grace, seek it. Iot is available to all who ask.

Song: Amazing Grace

Antrim Mennonite Choir - Amazing Grace [with lyrics] - YouTube

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