Wednesday 2 August 2023

Week beginning 23rd July

 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart;

before the “gods” I will sing your praise.
I will bow down toward your holy temple
and will praise your name
for your unfailing love and your faithfulness,
for you have so exalted your solemn decree
that it surpasses your fame.

When I called, you answered me;
you greatly emboldened me.

Psalm 138, verses 1 to 3

Song: Jesus is the name we honour

481 Jesus is the Name we Honour - YouTube


Lord, there are so many things to give thanks for; there is all the beauty of creation, which we can enjoy, and see your glory; we are thankful that we can be brought together in your praise.

But we are human, and finds so many things to complain about. Sometimes, the things we grumble about would be a blessing to others. In England, we complain about the rain, where in other countries at the moment it would be something to give thanks for.

May we always see your hand in what we encounter, and praise you for your glory.


Song: Majesty

"Majesty" - Hour of Power Choir - YouTube

Reading: John’s gospel, chapter 20, verses 19 to 31

Song: Be still, for the presence of the Lord

Be still for the presence of the Lord - YouTube

In our modern world, we often hear things like, “I’ll believe it when I see it” or “Prove it to me and I will believe you.” In business, traders often have to prove a product to their customers, perhaps by offering a sample, or the short term use of an item. However, it is not always possible to prove things, such as relationships.

Relationships are based on compassion, especially when mistakes are made!

In order to understand today’s reading, we need to go back, prior to the crucifixion.

6 says before, Jesus had ridden into Jerusalem on a donkey, in what we usually call the triumphal entry.

Expectations would have been high. All had been amazed at his works, words and miracles. They would have hoped that he, as the Messiah, was going to drive out the Romans, and free them their bondage.

Then, he had celebrated the Passover with his disciples. This was the festival at which they celebrated the deliverance of the people out of the bondage of slavery in Egypt.

Six days after the procession, the shouts of “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” became “Crucify Him!” The crowd had been turned. Influenced and deceived by those who hated Him. Closed minds, ears and hearts could not understand the Truth.

God could turn apparent disaster into triumph.. Jesus’ death at Passover was taken as a sacrifice. A Passover Lamb for the deliverance of the people.

In the modern world, people refuse to believe the gospel. But we should keep on promoting it, simply because it is true.

When we go through tests, we need to remember that Jesus has already won the battle. We will face difficulties. We were never promised that life would be easy. But, He will strengthen us.

When people’s hearts are hardened, because their expectations have not been met, they will reject the truth. But they need to keep on being reminded that Jesus has already won the battle.

Jesus came to liberate us from the grip of sin, from the power of sin. He brought the kingdom of light to those separated from God. He came that those in the grip of sin might be made righteous. That they might be forgiven.

As Paul says in the letter to the RomansTherefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Through His sacrifice, we can come boldly to the throne of grace. We can come to God the father.

After 8 days, Jesus appeared to the disciples. When He finally Appeared to Thomas, Jesus could have rebuked him, but he did not. Similarly, when we are weak, Jesus will meet us there. Thomas experienced Jesus’ closeness and compassion. As a result he proclaimed “My Lord, and my God.”

Faith in the resurrection is the foundation of faith. If there is no resurrection, there is no hope. We have hope. We receive salvation by faith.

God’s work of redemption lets us enter God’s true peace.


Lord, sometimes we have heavy hearts and doubts. When we face difficulties, strengthen us; give us faith and hope.

Build the church, the body of Christ, in its fellowship and ministry.

May we speak with boldness as we bring the good news of faith and healing to the people.

We pray for the country and the government, may it be in accordance with your wishes.

As we look at the world, and hear the news, it is easy to become discouraged. Help us to see that wherever people are, you are there with them. May they be aware of your presence in their troubles.

We pray for our families and friends who do not know Jesus in their lives, way we be good witnesses to them.

May your message be proclaimed faithfully, may people receive your word and bear much fruit.

In Jesus’ name


Song: Bind us together Lord

Bind us Together (With Lyrics) - YouTube

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