Saturday 2 March 2024

Week beginning 4th February


Praise the Lord.

How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!

His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;
the Lord delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Verses from Psalm 147.

Song: May Jesus Christ be praised

When Morning Gilds The Skies (


Thank you Lord God for the opportunity of worship,
for the freedom to be amongst your family
meeting together in your house,
and in the warmth of your embrace

Thank you that in worship we can put aside,
the uncertainties of this world and rest
upon the certainties of the Kingdom,
for your promises are not changeable
as those of a politician might be,
but immovable and eternal

Thank you that we can bring to your feet
all the hurts and fears that trouble us,
and leave them there,
knowing that your strength and assurance
are all that we require

Thank you that as we draw near in worship,
we are transported
from a world of concerns and fears,
to a place where we can be at peace in your presence,
find healing, wholeness and refreshment.
Thank you Lord God for the opportunity of worship


Taken from

Song: Fill your hearts with joy and gladness

Fill your hearts with joy and gladness | Worship Songs and Hymns for Churches (

Reading: Book of Isaiah, chapter 40, verses 21 to 31

Reading: Mark’s gospel, chapter 1, verses 29 to 34

Song: Ho reapers in the whitened harvest

Ho Reapers In The Whitened Harvest | Nairobi East Chorale - YouTube


We give thanks for generosity!
For billionaires giving of their wealth
to establish research programs
for the eradication of disease;
volunteers giving of their time
to help those less fortunate
in their neighbourhood, city
or in some remote disaster zone;
and of course the widow’s mite,
given without counting cost
and no less generous a gift.
For all such generosity,
which comes from one heart
and flows freely to another,
as does your love for us,
we thank you, generous God!
May lives be blessed, Lord,
wherever generosity is shown.
The giving of time to help
when someone is in need.
The always-being-there
as children finally leave home.
That spontaneous purchase
as a token of someone’s love.
The sharing of resources
with those who do not have.
The freewill offering
for the ministry of your Church,
and the digging deep
for a charitable cause.
Wherever generosity is shown,
may lives be blessed, dear Lord.


Song: Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ (Tune: Living Lord - 4vv) [with lyrics for congregations] (

Psalm 147 tells us that it is good to praise God, because He is good. He delights in all who worship Him. That only those who have struggled alongside God can have a relationship with Him.

The reading from Isaiah is written like a Psalm. Did you not know, have you not heard? The Lord is an everlasting God. Those renewed will never be exhausted,

Song: Forth in Thy name, O Lord I go, ideas echoed in our song “Ho reapers in the whitened harvest.”

In the reading from Mark’s gospel, we read the story of Jesus healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law. A great deal happens in the first chapter of Mark, seemingly written in haste, Mark is keen to show that Jesus is concerned with the everyday issues of the time. We don’t know what the “fever” affecting her was, it could have been any number of ailments, but she is portrayed as being healed rapidly.

Other healing follow, and “the whole town” wanted to see Jesus, and brought their sick for him to heal. He was a celebrity!

By chapter 4, there were so many that he wanted to escape the crowd. Even though Jesus was telling people not to tell others, the word was getting out. Somebody was making Jesus known, and the crowds were turning up. He was making an impact.

As we go though life and help people so that they can see the glory of God, we make an impact. Do they tell? If they do, good. If they do not, this is still good, they know, we know and God knows.

Song: Forth in Thy name, O Lord I go.

Forth In Thy Name, O Lord, I Go (

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