Monday 22 November 2021

Week beginning 21st November 2021


Week beginning 21st November 2021

Reading: Psalm 93

Song: Meekness and Majesty

Meekness and majesty - YouTube


God, You reign!

Robed in majesty and armed with strength,

You hold our world and our lives securely.

Your throne has stood for all eternity.

From everlasting to everlasting, You are God.

Even when the waters rise up—

when surging seas threaten to overwhelm us,

and pounding waves crash around us—

we know that You are mightier,

You are more powerful than the threats we face.

Holy God,

Your decrees are firm and unshakeable

and will last forevermore.


Reading: Revelation Chapter 1: verses 4-8.


The Alpha and Omega is Your great name.
The Beginning and the End, forever the same.
There before the dawning of life upon the earth.
And at the end You will be, at creations new birth.

Written in this book of Revelation for all to see
is a message to the churches telling of what will be.
The Water of life is given that will surely satisfy
for those who thirst and come will never be passed by.

We hear these words from the First and the Last
as time concludes and history fades into the past.
'It is done, behold all things are now made new, '
and the new heaven and earth burst into view.

At the commencement of that great Eternal Day
when the ages of earth have faded and passed away.
Then the One who is the Beginning and the End
will be this poor persons Saviour and Eternal Friend.

Roy Allen

Song: Jesus stand among us

Jesus stand among us - YouTube

Reading: John’s gospel, chapter 18: verses 33-38.

Delores Williams grew up in the South and remembers Sunday mornings when the minister shouted out: "Who is Jesus?" The choir responded in voices loud and strong: "King of kings and Lord Almighty!" Then, little Miss Huff, in a voice so fragile and soft you could hardly hear, would sing her own answer, "Poor little Mary's boy." Back and forth they sang: KING OF KINGS, Poor little Mary's boy. Delores said, "It was the Black church doing theology." Who is Jesus? "King of Kings" cannot be the answer without seeing "poor little Mary's boy."

The images clash. One is big and powerful, the other small and poor. Christ the King Sunday is a dissonant day. Some congregations have changed the name to Reign of Christ Sunday to avoid the male image of "king." But that doesn't make much difference if we forget that Jesus is "poor little Mary's boy." 

Barbara Kay Lundblad

Song: At the Name of Jesus.

At the name of Jesus - YouTube

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